North Carolina CFMs Click here for a list of NC Accredited
Certified Floodplain Managers
Inquiries concerning the North Carolina CFM program, including applying for upcoming exams, continuing education, renewals, etc, should be directed to the NCAFPM CFM Administrator:
Anita L. Larson
Certification Coordinator
8301 Excelsior Drive
Madison, WI 53717
Phone 608-828-3000
Fax 608-828-6319
North Carolina Floodplain Manager Certification
The North Carolina Association of Floodplain Managers has established a state program for professional certification of floodplain managers. The program recognizes continuing education and professional development that enhance the knowledge and performance of local, state, federal and private-sector floodplain managers.
CFM Portal
The portal button below will take you to an online connection with the national Association (ASFPM administers the North Carolina CFM program). Through this portal, you can upload your CEC information as well as check your CEC history and uploads you have already made. If you do not have your login information, please contact Anita Larson at for help.

The NC CFM Exam
The digital exam may be taken either on a personal laptop or in a testing center. All examinations are “closed book” and a passing grade requires 70% correct answers with test results held in strict confidence. Please see below for more information.
Application and Continuing Education Information:
Upcoming Exams
North Carolina Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) Exam Schedule
The Digital CFM Certificatiion exam will be offered at the FFI in Cherokee on Friday October 11, 2024 8:30 am to 11:30 am.
Note: To take the CFM Exam, you must apply in advance and your application must be approved. The normal deadline to submit your CFM exam application to ASFPM is two weeks before the exam date.