Why join NCAFPM?
NCAFPM offers two conferences each year, one in the spring usually on the coast and one in the fall in the mountains. Both offer presentations, training, the CFM exam, as well as the opportunity to get to know and catch up with other floodplain managers in the state (and often out-of-state). Agendas from our past conferences are available at ncafpm.org/conference.html.
FlashFlood News
Our bi-annual newsletter is published about a month before each conference. You can view past issues at ncafpm.org/flashflood.html.
CFM Mentoring Program
NCAFPM kicked off our CFM mentoring program last year. For information about this program, go to ncafpm.org/CFM-mentor.html.
Regional Representatives
Our Regional Representatives keep a pulse on different areas of North Carolina and touch base with other members in their region periodically. You can contact your Regional Rep directly for more information. ncafpm.org/regions.html
Being a part of NCAFPM is joining a network of like-minded professionals with whom you can ask questions and discuss floodplain-related issues. We have members from the government (NCEM, NFIP, FEMA, local governments) and consulting firms from the coast to the mountains.
NCAFPM Membership
There are two classifications of members in NCAFPM.
- FULL ($60/year) - Members of governmental agencies and other professionals such as Engineers, Insurance Agents, or Land Surveyors involved in floodplain management or others deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.
- STUDENT ($10/year) - Members are registered, FULL TIME students interested in floodplain management. Please contact Susan Frady if you fall into this category.
Full members of the Association are voting members. In addition, your full membership qualifies you for a lower rate for your Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) fee.
Student members are entitled to sit and vote on NCAFPM Committees. They are not entitled to general membership voting rights. Student membership does not qualify you for the lower CFM fee.
If you would like to join the North Carolina Association of Floodplain Managers, please click on the button in the right hand column to go to our online membership form.
Membership invoices are e-mailed to current members in December and payment is due in January. We offer credit card payment through PayPal for renewals (a PayPal account is not required).
If you have any questions, please contact Susan Frady, membership coordinator. |
Membership Form
For new memberships and renewal of current memberships, please click the apropriate button below to go to the online form. You will have the option to pay by check or by credit card.
2025 Membership

If you have any questions,
contact Susan Frady. |