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Goals & Objectives >

Strategic Plan

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NCAFPM Goals & Objectives

North Carolina State Building Code Modifications - Assist the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management in their efforts to develop codes and standards to be submitted to the Department of Insurance for revising the floodplain development chapter in the state building code. Actively lobby the Building Code Council to adopt such revisions.

Information Distribution Plan - Develop an Information Plan to assist in communicating floodplain management efforts among various groups (Federal, State, County, City, Consultants, Engineers, etc). The Plan will establish the proper use, and audience targeted, of the following tools:

  • Information Network - Develop a process where local governments can obtain and exchange information concerning floodplain management issues. These may include a directory of communities and a point of contact that could provide assistance and guidance on specific issues they have experience in.
  • Expanded Newsletter - In an effort to provide more information to the members of the North Carolina Association of Floodplain Managers, the current news letter be published and circulated more often published by the N.C. Division of Emergency Management and, be expanded to accommodate more topics that may be of interest to the general membership of the Association.
  • Business Plan/Directory - A document that will include the mission statement, purpose, goals for the upcoming year, and accomplishments (including annual conference) of the previous year(s). It should also include a directory of the association officers and members of the board including a regions map) and an overall membership directory. A public relations plan will be part of the document and will provide a schedule of actions describing how the association's information may be distributed to the public, government officials and the general membership.

Expanded Workshops - The North Carolina Association of Floodplain Managers resolves to work closely with the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management to assist the Division in enhancing the quality of workshops relating to issues pertinent to the Association. To achieve this objective the Association will increase the level of financial support, as necessary, and increase the level of logistical support to include assistance with, location of venues, finding good speakers, advertising, workshop materials and other miscellaneous items as necessary.

Certification Program - A program under which floodplain managers and administrators for NFIP municipalities would demonstrate by education, experience, or testing, adequate knowledge of floodplain management principles and practices to carry out requirements of NFIP. This program will work in concert with the ASFPM effort to establish a nation-wide certification program.